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Optimised Control System

Our control system allows you to control your facilities predictively and in real-time, and to optimize the costs and carbon emissions during operation.
Target group: Manufacturing industry

Using an integrated control system makes it possible to optimize the operation of your facilities using predictive controls. As a result, you reduce not only operating and primary energy costs but also your carbon emissions. Furthermore, it also allows you to leverage fluctuating electricity prices to save costs.

The increasing share of renewables in the power grid leads to increasing variability in electricity supply. This, in turn, requires a higher degree of flexibility from consumers, especially in energy-intensive industries. However, many production companies are not yet sufficiently prepared for this form of flexible operation because standard storage solutions (electrical, thermal, etc.) and cross-sector energy conversion components needed for demand side management are not widespread. In addition, most energy supply systems in industry use conventional automation and process control systems. As a result, the full potential of these control systems is not being realised – they are not used in real-time, predictively, and with an integrated approach in order to reduce carbon emissions, maximize the consumption of renewable energy generated in-house, and cut down on operating costs.

Integrated control systems such as EDCS (Energy Demand Control System) play a key role in the energy transition. These systems offer companies the chance to make their energy supply systems more efficient and sustainable.

Our service

If your company operates in the manufacturing industry and you have several individually controlled power generators (e.g., steam generators, heat pumps, or photovoltaic installations) and energy storage systems, then EDCS can help you operate your energy supply system more efficiently, cost effectively and sustainably.

In a first step, the EDCS control system is customised to meet the specific requirements and characteristics of your operations. This includes seamless integration into your existing control technology infrastructure. In implementing the EDCS system, you receive a customised, mathematically-optimised solution based on your production plans which simultaneously takes into account current weather conditions and electricity price forecasts.

This solution is not only adaptive but can also be easily expanded to incorporate new energy generators, storage systems and control systems. We also offer the option of exploring the potential offered by digitalisation and, if required, present the relevant approaches for making your operations even more efficient and future-proof.

Schedule a free initial consultation with the NEFI team now!

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