
Energy Efficient Combustion

Using oxyfuel technology allows you to reduce your fuel consumption and consequently your carbon emissions. Furthermore, oxyfuel aids in carbon capture with (ideally) further in-house use.
Target group: Steel and Cement Industry

The oxyfuel technology uses pure oxygen rather than air in combustion, resulting in higher flame temperatures. This in turn increases combustion efficiency, lowers fuel consumption, and reduces carbon emissions. This process also allows carbon dioxide to be captured and used for other purposes.

In principle, oxyfuel can be used in all combustion processes. NEFI sees significant potential in the steel industry when used with electric arc furnaces, and also in the cement industry.

Oxyfuel technology is an advanced combustion method that involves specific requirements if it is to be used successfully in your processes:

  1. High process and exhaust gas temperatures

    Oxyfuel technology is most efficient with high process and exhaust gas temperatures. Using pure oxygen instead of air allows higher combustion temperatures, which increases both energy output and heat transfer. This is particularly advantageous for industrial applications in which high temperatures are needed to achieve optimal results.

  2. Need for oxygen supply

    Oxyfuel technology requires pure oxygen during the combustion process. Your company should therefore ideally have access to a reliable supply of oxygen. Oxygen of the right quality and in sufficient quantities is key to the successful use of this technology.

  3. Supports carbon capture

    A further important aspect of oxyfuel technology is the composition of the exhaust gases it generates. Using oxyfuel technology creates exhaust gases whose composition supports carbon capture. That means it eases the process of separating and capturing the carbon dioxide in the exhaust gases. This is extremely important as it helps reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.

  4. In-house use of carbon dioxide

    Ideally, companies can use the separated carbon dioxide generated using oxyfuel technology in-house. Carbon dioxide can be reused in a variety of applications, for example in the food industry or the manufacture of chemical products. This in-house use not only serves to reduce carbon emissions but can also offer economic advantages.

    Overall, oxyfuel technology opens up new means of increasing efficiency and reducing emissions from industrial processes. The requirements specified above play a decisive role in exploiting the full spectrum of advantages offered by this advanced combustion technology.

Our service

Step 1: Measuring consumption of natural gas and temperatures on site

The first step involves measuring natural gas consumption as well as the process and exhaust gas temperatures at your site. These data serve as the starting point for determining potential efficiency increases and carbon emission reductions that can be achieved when using oxyfuel technology.

Step 2: Estimating potential savings

The second step is a comprehensive analysis to evaluate the potential savings. It includes consideration of the current combustion conditions, energy consumption, and carbon emissions. Oxyfuel technology using pure oxygen and higher combustion temperatures reduces fuel consumption and increases efficiency.

Step 3: Technology integration on-site

Based on these findings, our team then develops a technology integration concept for your site. This includes planning how to incorporate oxyfuel technology into your existing processes, taking into account factors such as oxygen availability, adaptations to the combustion system, and safety-relevant aspects.

Successfully implementing these steps makes it possible to efficiently integrate oxyfuel technology into your industrial processes. This can lead to significant increases in energy efficiency, reductions in carbon emissions, and improvements to the overall output of your facilities.

Schedule a free initial consultation with the NEFI team now!

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