
Online industry scenario workshop is currently in round three: 15 Interviews in the new format so far

  • News
by Oxana Schmidt

The measures based on COVID-19 resulted in a new and now successful model for the planned industry scenario workshop.

In spring 2020, the format of the Industry Scenario Workshop was transmitted in direct interviews via video conferencing due to the measures of COVID-19. The numerous participants from industrial companies discussed future technology options for the respective industrial sector with the NEFI team. The interim results are showing clearly that industry expectations and assessments overlap with the objectives of NEFI-New Energy for Industry. These concern, for example, the formation of a strong network to enable direct exchange on achieving climate targets and to generate research projects in these areas.
During the last weeks, further interviews were held on the overall mapping of the industrial energy system in Austria. In autumn 2020, further industrial partners will be invited to enable a direct information exchange within sectors, but also across the sectors.

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