
NEFI-Project SANBA: Using waste heat from industrial processes as an energy source for the Martinek barracks site

  • News
by Oxana Schmidt

NEFI research project SANBA developed three scenarios towards an innovative, sustainable energy system for the 40-hectare large area of the Martinek-barracks.

On 22 June 2021, the results of the three-year NEFI research project SANBA were presented at the site of the former Martinek barracks in the municipality of Baden.SANBA stands for Smart Anergy Quarter Baden and developed a so-called anergy or low-temperature heating and cooling network for the Martinek barracks. With this network industrial low-temperature waste heat from the neighbouring NÖM dairy and locally available renewable heat sources such as geothermal energy can be used.

From the left: Vizebürgermeisterin Helga Krismer (Baden), Gerhard Bartak (NÖM), Theresia Vogel (KLIEN), Berger (NÖM), Johannes Sailer (MIMZ), Wolfgang Hribernik (NEFI und AIT), Christian Maurer (Biz-Up und NEFI), Mayor Stefan Szirucsek (Baden), Project ma

Edith Haslinger, Senior Scientist at the AIT Center for Energy and SANBA-project manager:

„We developed three possible scenarios for the potential use of the 40-hectare site. On this basis, we calculated how the waste heat from the NÖM dairy can be fed into the heating-cooling network in each case and used via seasonal thermal storage in geothermal probe fields. The most important heat source of the planned anergy network is the ndustrial low-temperature waste heat from the neighbouring NÖM dairy supplemented by thermal solar systems, photovoltaics, heat pumps and a geothermal probe field used as a seasonal storage tank. A particular challenge was the calculation and planning of the network with different building standards of the listed old buildings and new buildings with different uses“.

Innovative Anergy network for the Martinek Barracks in three possible development steps

As the basis for the energy and renovation calculations three concrete scenarios for the development of the area were defined. In the first stage of development, these range from exclusive use of the listed, renovated existing buildings without new buildings, to dense development with mixed use from residential to work or education and training. In addition to the technical analysis and planning, a business analysis was also carried out in which the specific costs of the different energy services for these three development scenarios were determined and compared. The scenarios also address the building types and their energy consumption characteristics. „A residential building has a different demand curve profile than an office building, a school or a supermarket“, explains Edith Haslinger. „The scenarios designed here are not only intended to serve as a concept for sustainable spatial planning on the 40-hectare barracks in Baden, but can also be used for other historic existing sites.“

SANBA provides a concept for a future-oriented thermal energy system

We can learn from the project results that after a fundamental refurbishment in expansion stages two and three, there is a high potential for a climate-neutral, future-oriented thermal energy system. A decisive factor for a compact SANBA anergy network are the short pipeline routes. Depending on the expansion stage, 1.6 to 2.4 kilometres of pipeline are sufficient to supply the entire area with heating and cooling. A 76×76 metre geothermal probe field can serve as a seasonal storage facility for the anergy network. The simulation calculations for the heating and cooling demand and for the electricity demand of the neighbourhood result in electrical self-sufficiency rates of 0,50 and 0,43, respectively, in the overall system. The additional electricity consumption for housing, services and commerce is taken into account in the calculations. Moreover, in the case that the remaining electricity demand is covered with electricity from sources that are neutral in terms of greenhouse gases, the overall energy system is also climate-neutral.

Anergy grids open new possibilities for decentralised energy supply at neighbourhood level

Anergy network is the technical term for a low temperature network (4 – 30°C) for heating and cooling. Water is distributed in pipe networks, between individual buildings or groups of buildings. In contrast to a district heating network, an anergy network does not have a central heat supply but can be operated decentralised and much more flexibly at neighbourhood level. It increases flexibility and promotes the integration of local, renewable energy sources. This creates dynamic grids that allow buildings to actively participate in the grid as producers and consumers. Anergy networks are characterised by low energy losses due to short pipes and low flow temperatures of around 20 °C – compared to over 80 °C for district heating networks. In the project SANBA it was possible to achieve valuable results for the efficient planning and design of local anergy networks, especially for the use of different building standards.

​The partner of the project SANBA

The SANBA consortium led by the AIT-Austrian Institute of Technology brings together partners from different fields such as research, municipalities, planning and industry: NÖM AG, Geologische Bundesanstalt (FA Hydrogeologie & Geothermie), TU Wien (Institut für Energietechnik & Thermodynamik), Institute of Building Research & Innovation ZT GmbH, ENFOS e.U. Montanuniversität Leoben (Lehrstuhl für Energieverbundtechnik), City of Baden (Klima- und Energiereferat) and geohydrotherm, BauConsult Energy GmbH. The NEFI project was funded by the Climate and Energy Fund in the framework of the ‚Vorzeigeregion Energie‘ endowed with funds from the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

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Link to the OTS-Press release