
Industry4Redispatch is one year old – the highlights

  • News
by Oxana Schmidt

A growing need for redispatch is given above all by the integration of fluctuating renewable generation and the progressive integration of the European electricity grids. The I4RD project, launched in April 2021, makes an important contribution to the energy transition as it develops innovative grid-supporting solutions: On the one hand for the possible provision of redispatch by industrial energy supply systems, which are often located at distribution grid level, but also for communication between distribution and transmission system operators in order to prevent possible additional grid bottlenecks caused by flexibility calls in the distribution grid and to use synergies.

Using several demonstrators, the interaction of optimisation/control is tested, and scalability is ensured for industrial customers from different sectors with different levels of maturity of the automation systems. The profitability for the respective interest groups is determined based on a cost-benefit analysis. Strong involvement and interaction with the TSO/DSOs can provide guidance towards a more flexible, more decarbonized, and optimized energy system for industry.

During the first year of the project use-cases have been developed and general participation requirements for redispatch were defined. KPIs for the use cases to be applied were developed to determine whether redispatch makes sense and is economical for an industrial partner. In addition, the form of the redispatch bids was designed and the associated quality criteria for maintaining secure network operations were defined. In addition, criteria for the forecasting quality of the timetables were worked out. Finally, based on the EDCS (Energy Demand Control System) developed in a preliminary project EDCSproof, concepts for the implementation of flexibility were developed for specific demo locations.

More information to this project.