
Industrial networking and energy storage as topics at the second NEFI Industrial Board

  • News
by Oxana Schmidt

On 26 March, the second virtual meeting of the NEFI Industrial Board (IB) took place. The event focused on the topics of industrial networking and energy storage, and initial assessments of implementation were made. In the discussion between the representatives of the Industrial Board and the NEFI Cluster Steering Committee, the focal points in the Austrian industrial companies were identified and the associated challenges, potentials and future developments were discussed. Furthermore, possible synergies between industrial networking and energy storage were discussed and recorded.

Now solutions are to be found from which all actors can benefit, and which will successfully advance decarbonisation in Austria. The next step is to find links to existing NEFI projects for the identified problems and synergies or to develop new projects in the NEFI network.

In so-called „Open Cycles”, the challenges for the implementation of new projects are to be broadly discussed in discussion rounds and workshops involving a wide range of stakeholder groups such as industry, politics, science, consumers, etc. to identify projects with high potential. This guarantees that the researched technologies have the greatest possible impact on the overall energy system in Austria. Once the specific research questions are clearly defined, the “Open Cycles” can develop into “Project Cycles”, where the identified project proposals are formulated into concrete project submissions for various funding programmes.

To increase the visibility of NEFI on a national and international level, possible strategies for internationalisation were discussed. The exchange with European partners and work beyond national borders are prerequisites for a stable energy system of the future. Here, too, the Industrial Board was able to provide helpful input to make the innovation network fit for an international orientation.

NEFI – Conference 2021

At the NEFI conference on 6 and 7 May 2021, the representatives of the Industrial Board will participate in keynote speeches and a panel discussion. In the second half of the year, the Industrial Board will meet for the third time to discuss further strategies and concrete implementation measures for industrial decarbonisation.

NEFI would like to express its gratitude to the participants of the Industrial Board for their far-reaching support and the lively exchange of ideas!

NEFI Industrial Board:
The NEFI Industrial Board is an expert panel consisting of representatives from the Austrian industry and the energy sector as well as members of the NEFI Innovation Network and represents the interface between science and business. Together, the aim is to set strategic incentives for the innovation process within NEFI, to foster the development of further decarbonisation technologies and to promote the market entry of NEFI technologies. The dialogue will strengthen cooperation on the development of a decarbonisation strategy for the Austrian industry and will provide expert input along the value chain of systemic and technological solutions.