
(c) Stefan Hopfer/ Automobil Cluster Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH

Forum Aluminium: NEFI expert Christoph Zauner presents groundbreaking NEFI solutions for green foundries

  • News
by Oxana Schmidt

In early July 2023, the FORUM ALUMINIUM trade conference took place for the first time at the Glanzstoff-Areal in St. Pölten. Over a period of three days, visitors were able to experience a wealth of cross-industry presentations, best practice examples, and presentations on current industry developments and research findings. In addition, participants had the unique opportunity to take part in practical factory tours. The conference placed a special emphasis on innovative technical aspects of aluminum processing, as well as highly topical subjects such as sustainability, energy management, and industrial policy conditions. The conference was organized by NEUMAN Aluminium in cooperation with PREFA Aluminiumprodukte and was a great success.

The flagship region for energy, NEFI-New Energy for Industry, was represented by several NEFI experts at the conference. Particularly noteworthy was the presentation by the project leader of the NEFI project "envIoTcast - environmentally friendly casting" in the session "ENERGY MANAGEMENT & INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS". Christoph Zauner delivered an inspiring lecture on the topic of "Energy efficiency and CO₂-neutral energy sources for a green foundry" and introduced his project.

The NEFI project "envIoTcast," under the leadership of the renowned AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, has the ambitious goal of developing the concept of a green foundry. The main objective of the project is to decarbonize the energy supply of the industry and achieve significant energy savings in industrial processes. To this end, several energy-intensive high-temperature processes are being examined to find technically and economically feasible solutions for the short-term and complete transition to sustainable energy sources. The developed solutions are scalable and have enormous potential for decarbonizing the global energy supply.

The presentation of the NEFI project "envIoTcast" at the FORUM ALUMINIUM trade conference significantly contributed to raising awareness of the importance of sustainability and energy management in the aluminum processing industry. The conference provided a platform for the exchange of ideas and best practices to support the industry on its path to a green and sustainable future.

The FORUM ALUMINIUM trade conference has demonstrated its relevance as a leading event for the aluminum industry. With a broad range of topics, high-profile speakers, and a multitude of exciting discussions, the conference has helped drive developments and innovations in the industry. Participants were able to gain valuable insights and establish valuable contacts to further advance the aluminum processing industry.

For more information about the conference, please visit: Forum Aluminium - Forum Aluminium (

For more information about the project and research results, please visit: ENVIOTCAST | NEFI.