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Review: Heat Highway – Utilising Decarbonised Heat Sources through Regional Heat Networks. Online Workshop as part of the NEFI Project Heat Highway

  • Event
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by Oxana Schmidt



OÖ Energiesparverband

March 3, 2023

The workshop "Utilising Decarbonised Heat Sources through Regional Heat Networks" focused on exchanging experiences with regional heat networks across Europe. It was part of the annual international conference World Sustainable Energy Days organised by the OÖ Energiesparverband, attracting over 50 participants.

The workshop was moderated by Christine Öhlinger from the OÖ Energiesparverband, who also introduced the Austrian innovation network NEFI. Simon Moser, project coordinator of the Heat Highway project, outlined how regional district heating networks connect various stakeholders and shared insights from the project's experiences to date. Aksana Krasatsenka from Euroheat and Power provided an update on research and innovation in the field of district heating and cooling. Lars Gullev presented his experiences with regional heat exchange in Copenhagen, showcasing the Vestegnen district heating system as a successful example. Marie-Theres Holzleitner from the Energieinstitut discussed the EU definition of waste heat, and Nicolas Marx from the Austrian Institute of Technology shared findings from European case studies.