
New call for the transformation of the industry is now open

  • News
by Oxana Schmidt

With the ‘RTI Initiative for the Transformation of Industry’, the Climate and Energy Fund (Klima- und Energiefonds) supports the development and demonstration of game-changer technologies that contribute to climate protection and sustainability and increase the competitiveness of the Austrian economy.


The target group of this RTI initiative are companies in the manufacturing industry, energy supply companies, technology providers along the value chain as well as research institutions and universities.

This RTI initiative is part of the comprehensive Climate and Transformation Offensive - Transformation of Industry of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK). The total budget for this RTI initiative, funded by the BMK, is 240 mio. euros until 2026.

A budget of around EUR 15 mio. is available for the 2023 call for tenders and includes the following priorities:

  1. Establishment of an innovation laboratory as a national and international contact point to help innovations ‘Made in Austria’ in the field of industrial decarbonisation achieve a breakthrough more quickly.
  2. Cooperative R&D projects as part of innovative large-scale projects funded in combination with the transformation of industry in accordance with the Environmental Subsidy Act (Umweltförderungsgesetz).

An innovative large-scale project within the meaning of the BMK Climate and Transformation Offensive - Transformation of Industry is a project alliance between an RTI project and one or more pilot or demonstration projects with higher technology readiness levels (TRL), which serves as the basis for the next scale-up steps towards large-scale application with corresponding submission volumes.

We invite you to submit your innovative climate protection projects with us and help shape the success of the industrial location.