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NEFI Conference 2024: Innovation as a driver of industrial transformation

  • News
by Oxana Schmidt

Vienna, 25 October 2024

In Vienna, around 200 international experts discussed specific solutions and relevant technologies for a climate-neutral industry

The transformation of the industrial energy system to a climate-neutral energy supply is an essential contribution to achieving the national climate targets and can only succeed with innovations and the development of concrete solutions. The NEFI-New Energy for Industry innovation network invited national and international experts for the third time to present the latest scientific findings and discuss the energy transition in Austrian industry with high-ranking representatives from industry, research and politics. The scientific contributions centred on the topics of the NEFI+ Innovation Hubs. The conference took place on 24 and 25 October 2024 in the Museumsquartier Vienna with around 200 participants.

Bernhard Gahleitner, NEFI Network Coordinator at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology: "The energy transition in industry requires the commitment of all stakeholders. NEFI has set new standards in this area over the past six years through successful collaboration with over 120 partners from industry, research and politics. There are currently 24 projects underway with an investment volume of over 100 million euros. The transformation is based on industry-specific production technologies and the relevant technological developments that are being trialled in our NEFI+ Innovation Hubs. We look forward to discussing our solutions with international experts on these two days and further expanding our international network."

Thomas Kienberger, Head of the NEFI+ Innovation Lab and Head of the Chair of Energy Network Technology at Montanuniversität Leoben: "Our success story continues with the newly founded NEFI+ Innovation Lab, which will advance key projects and technologies for a climate-neutral industry in Austria. Since our successful launch in June 2024, we have been able to discuss the first key topics in the areas of electrification and energy efficiency, flexibilisation, CO2 -neutral gases and hydrogen, carbon capture & storage, circular economy and industrial symbiosis on these two days. The next steps include the implementation of new projects and technological developments as part of the RTI initiative for the transformation of industry. A total of 320 million euros in funding will be available to Austrian industry for this purpose until 2027."

International keynotes and panel discussion on the status quo and outlook

In the first keynote speech, Melanie Jans-Singh and Alex Fitzgerald explained how the UK is positioning itself in international cooperation for industrial decarbonisation. Reinhard Oswald provided insights into how an international energy company is tackling the issues of renewable gases, CO2 storage and new infrastructures. On the second day, Johanna Mossberg outlined how international networks can drive forward the development and application of breakthrough technologies.

In the panel discussion with Thomas Bürgler (CEO of K1-MET GmbH), Philipp Irschik (Director of Strategy and Business Development, Energie Steiermark AG), Thomas Kienberger (Head of NEFI+ and Head of the Chair of Energy Network Technology at the University of Leoben), Andreas Kunz (CTO of the INNIO Group), Elvira Lutter (Mission Director of the Net-Zero Industries Mission) and Isabella Plimon (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection), moderated by Christiane Egger (NEFI Steering Committee, Deputy Managing Director of the Upper Austrian Energy Saving Association), representatives gave exciting insights into current activities relating to the industrial energy transition and transformation from the perspective of their institution. Managing Director of the Upper Austrian Energy Saving Association), the representatives provided fascinating insights into current activities relating to the industrial energy transition and transformation from the perspective of their institution.

The conclusion of the discussion: the transformation to a climate-friendly industry can succeed and bring a clear international competitive advantage for domestic companies. However, reliable framework conditions are needed for the major reorganisation of industry and for ground-breaking innovations. The current funding programme for the transformation of industry makes a significant contribution here by subsidising investment costs and increased running costs. It is also necessary to promote research and innovation, supplemented by demonstration projects and large investment projects.

Innovations and an agile network are the drivers of industrial transformation. The NEFI-New Energy for Industry innovation network invited national and international experts to the third conference in Vienna to exchange scientific ideas.