
Our Laboratories
& Services

NEFI provides latest laboratory infrastructure, supported by innovative methods, and promotes knowledge dissemination. Our offerings are designed to serve educational institutions, businesses, and research projects, fostering the exchange of ideas and insights.

Offer: Technical Optimisation & Visualisation of Solutions

NEFI offers technical laboratory infrastructures that are available to members.

Virtual Industry Lab
Seeing the energy transition in industry with your own eyes – this is made possible on a new scale with the NEFI Virtual Industry Lab at the Austrian Institute of Technology. In a showroom, project results can be visualised for a larger audience. Additionally, a toolbox allows for the virtual assessment of industrial sites.
The Energy Systems Lab at the Lehrstuhl für Energieverbundtechnik an der Montanuniversität Leoben is a demonstration, innovation, and training center for industrial energy systems. The lab is based on an innovative Power System Hardware in the Loop (PSHIL) concept.
Learn more


If you have any questions about this offer, feel free to contact us!

Gersa Tome

Contact Person for Virtual Industry Lab

DI Mag. Dr. Kerstin Pfleger-Schopf

Contact Person for Energy Systems Lab

Offer: Knowledge Transfer to Schools

NEFI aims to spark interest in industrial transformation in schools. The goal is to make young pupils aware of the topic.

The E.Factory Lab of the Upper Austrian Energiesparverband aims to spark interest in the industrial energy transition in schools to address the shortage of skilled workers in industry and research. To achieve this, age- and target-specific information and communication activities are used to motivate students to engage with the energy transition in industry and to consider this field as a potential future career path.
Learn more


If you have any questions about this offer, feel free to contact us!

Mag.A Christine Öhlinger

Offer: Innovative Ideation Methods & Collaboration Workshops

NEFI aims not only to provide technical infrastructure but also to promote creativity and interaction with other stakeholders to ensure participation and collaboration.

Business Upper Austria supports the ideation and development of new projects as well as ongoing projects in the field of industrial transformation. An innovation space is provided to assist in the ideation, development, and further enhancement of existing projects.
Factsheet LEGO® Serious Play®
Stakeholder Enabling Space
The Stakeholder Enabling Space at Business Upper Austria provides support in the process of generating ideas and developing both innovative and ongoing projects aimed at implementing the industrial energy transition.


If you have any questions about this offer, feel free to contact us!

Elena Balbekova, MPA, PhD