
Vorläufiges Programm/ Preliminary Program

Wann/ When:
24./25. Oktober 2024

Wo/ Where:
MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien/ Vienna, Austria


09.30 – 10.00
Check-in and Get-together
10.00 – 10.30
Welcoming and Opening
  • Bernhard Gahleitner, Member NEFI Network Steering Committee, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT)
  • Cornelia Ertl, Moderatorin
  • Leonore Gewessler, Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
  • Bernd Vogl, CEO, Climate and Energy Fund, Austria
  • Markus Achleitner, Regional Minister for Economy and Energy, Region of Upper Austria
  • Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, Regional Minister for Economy, Tourism, Regions, Science and Research, Region of Styria
  • Ursula Lackner, Regional Minister for Environment, Climate Protection, Energy, Regional Development and Spatial Planning, Region of Styria
10.30 - 10.50
Impulse Lecture NEFI+
The innovation lab for the transformation of the industry
  • Thomas Kienberger, Head of NEFI+ and Head of Chair for Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
10.50 – 11.10
Keynote 1
  • Melanie Jans-Singh, Lead Technical Adviser, Energy Security UK
11.10 – 11.30
Keynote 2
Insights into the industry's perspective on hard-to-abate emissions, CO₂-neutral gases, CO₂ storage, and infrastructure
  • Reinhard Oswald, Senior Vice President Value Center Operations OMV E&P GmbH
11.30 – 12.20
Panel Discussion: How Can the Transformation of Industry Succeed?
  • Thomas Bürgler, Chief Executive Officer, K1-MET GmbH
  • Philipp Irschik, Director of Strategy and Business Development, Energie Steiermark AG
  • Thomas Kienberger, Head of NEFI+ and Head of Chair for Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
  • Andreas Kunz, Chief Technology Officer, INNIO Group
  • Elvira Lutter, Mission Director of the Net-Zero Industries Mission
  • Isabella Plimon, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
  • Moderation: Christiane Egger, Member NEFI Network Steering Committee, Deputy Manager OÖ Energiesparverband, Manager Cleantech-Cluster Energy
12.20 – 13.30
Lunch Break
13.30 – 15.00
Parallel Sessions
Legislation, Politics, and Business Models
Parallel Session #1

The industrial energy transition depends on regulatory, legal, and policy frameworks that drive the transformation of energy markets and infrastructure. Consequently, this session explores the latest developments in decarbonisation policy challenges, the impact of RED III on third-party access, and the economic effects of digitalisation in energy-intensive industries.

Session Chair
Christiane Egger
Energiesparverband Oberösterreich (tbc)
Impulse Statement: Shaping the Climate Neutral Transition: The Role of Legislation, Politics and Business Models
Camilla Oliviera
Agora Industries (tbc)
Policy Challenges in Industrial Decarbonisation: Next Steps for The UK's Cluster-based Approach
Anna Pultar
IDRIC, UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre
RED III – What Is New for Third Party Access
Marie-Theres Holzleitner-Senck
Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz
A Survey on Drivers, Obstacles and Economic Effects of Digitalisation in the Energy-Intensive Industry
Daniel Schlar
Chair of Economic- and Business Management, Montanuniversität Leoben
CO₂-neutral Gases & Green Hydrogen: System Integration
Parallel Session #2

This session focuses on the advancement, production, and integration of CO₂-neutral gases such as green hydrogen, bio-CH₄, and Syn-CH₄, serving as sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. The session will highlight scientific strategies for optimising and integrating these gases into existing and future energy systems.

Session Chair
Chair of Process Technology and Environmental Protection
Impulse Statement: Industrial Hydrogen in Europe: Production, Infrastructure, and Applications
Margherita Matzer
Modelling the Future Hydrogen System: Insights from the Hydrogen Valley "East Austria"
Stefan Strömer
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Strategic Analysis of Regional Biomethane Injection Potential From Agricultural Residues: Leveraging Lp Optimization for Economic Assessment
Florian Marco Možina
TU Wien
Electrolysis in Distribution Grids: A Regulatory Valuation on Grid-supportive Operation
Philipp Ortmann
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Systemic Innovations: Scenarios, Efficiency Potentials
Parallel Workshop #3

Achieving climate neutrality in industry requires systemic innovations, future scenarios, and strategies that unlock efficiency potentials, provide actionable recommendations, and scale net-zero technologies across various sectors. This session explores the transformation towards a climate-neutral industry, including the integration of geothermal energy, cascading heat utilisation, and the impact of innovative heat pricing on district heating networks.

Session Chair
Thomas Kienberger
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
Impulse Statement: Future Scenarios and Strategic Pathways to a Climate-Neutral Industrial Sector
Karl Steininger
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
Transform.Industry – Toward Carbon Neutrality in Austrian Industries
Verena Alton
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Examination of the Suitability of Industries for the Integration of Geothermal Energy and Cascading Utilisation of Heat Using the Example of Gmunden
Andreas Hammer
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
The Impact of a Novel Heat Pricing Method on a Supra-regional District Heating Network
Josef Steinegger
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
15.00 – 15.45
Break/ Poster Session
Economic Analysis on a Green Hydrogen Electrolysis Power Plant in Northeast of Brazil
Magno Aguiar
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Energy Efficiency as an Underrated Key Lever for Industrial Decarbonisation: Data From 71 on-site Efficiency Assessments in the Non-energy-intense Manufacturing Industry
Nicolas Marx
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Embracing the Potential of Open Strategy in Energy Transition Planning: Partner Selection and Stakeholder Engagement Strategies for Grand Challenges
Christian Bruck
Vienna University of Economic and Business (WU Vienna)
The Macroeconomic Effects of Carbon Pricing at a Subnational Level: Evidence From California's Cap and Trade
Tomás Baioni
National University of La Plata
Evaluation of the Industrial Synergy Potential in the Industrial Zone of Callao/Peru
Josephin Paetzold
15.45 – 17.15
Parallel Sessions
NEFI Technology Talk: Innovative DC-solutions in Industry
Parallel Session #4

Innovative direct current solutions can make a significant contribution to the transformation and flexibilisation of industry. They simplify the system integration and coupling of renewable energies through the resource- and energy-efficient integration of electrical machines, PV systems, battery storage and e-mobility.

This Technology Talk is dedicated to innovative projects and solutions for the integration and implementation of direct current applications in industry.

Friedrich Kupzog
OVE Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik
Open DC Alliance ODCA – DC Industries
Hartwig Stammberger
Eaton, Germany
ADC Pilot Factory & Hyperride
Gerhard Jambrich
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
DCI4CHARGE - Integration von Ladesäulen in das DC-Netz
Isabella Bianchini
Fraunhofer IPA, Germany
Die NExT Factory
Andreas Forster
Schaltbau, Germany
Industrial Symbiosis and Energy Efficiency
Parallel Session #5

This session will focus on industrial symbiosis highlighting how collaborative strategies in energy and material exchange can enhance energy efficiency and reduce material and energy consumption. The session focuses on innovative approaches to waste heat recovery, the optimisation of thermo-chemical processes, and the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries like steel processing.

Session Chair
Kerstin Pfleger-Schopf
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
Impulse Statement: Synergising Industrial Processes: Advancing Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation
Christoph Brunner
AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies
On the Potential of Waste Heat Recovery by Means of Thermoelectricity
Oliver Maier
Modeling of a Bidirectional Charging System in an industrial DC Microgrid
Lucas Eduardo Marra de Lima
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Decarbonisation of Steel Processing
Daniela Leibetseder
Austrian Institute of Technology
Strategies for Industrial Demand Response
Parallel Session #6

This session explores innovative solutions for managing volatile energy generation through enhanced demand-response approaches in industry and the efficient design of production processes. Contributions will focus on optimising production scheduling, cross-factory energy and production integration, and demand response strategies to improve flexibility in various industrial contexts.

Session Chair
Julia Vopava-Wrienz
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben (tbc)
Impulse Statement: Industrial Approaches to Demand Response Solutions
Optimised Production Scheduling: A Case Study on Food and Steel Industry
Vanessa Zawodnik
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
Cross-factory Production and Energy Optimisation
Thomas Sobottka
Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Flexibilisation of Industrial Energy Systems by Optimisation-based Demand Response
Bernd Riederer
BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH
17.15 - 17.30
17.30 – 17.45
Summary and Conclusion of the First Conference Day
  • Christiane Egger, Member NEFI Network Steering Committee, Deputy Manager OÖ Energiesparverband, Manager Cleantech-Cluster Energy
17.45 – 18.30
18.30 – 21.00
Conference Dinner and Young Scientist Award Ceremony


08.30 – 09.00
Check-in and Get-together
09.00 – 09.15
Welcoming and Opening
  • Dorian Wessely, Member NEFI Network Steering Committee, Cluster Manager Environment, Cleantech Cluster, Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH
  • Susanne Meyer, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
  • Cornelia Ertl, Moderatorin
09.15 – 09.35
Keynote 3
  • Johanna Mossberg, Chair IETS TCP, Department Manager Resource Efficient Society, Swedish Energy Agency
09.35 – 11.05
Parallel Sessions
Techno- and/or Economic Approaches to Maximising Industrial Flexibility
Parallel Session #7

This session will focus on techno-economic approaches that maximise industrial flexibility, including innovative solutions for energy-based industrial redispatch provision, and the cost-benefit analysis of flexible systems. Contributions will examine how technological innovations and optimisation strategies can enhance flexibility in various industrial contexts, covering both technical and economic considerations

Session Chair
Gustav Resch
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Impulse Statement: Energy-based Industrial Symbiosis in Climate Neutral Industrial Energy Systems: The Influence of Technological Innovation
Kerstin Pfleger-Schopf
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
Industrial Flexibility for Redispatch Provision – An Optimisation-based Approach for Bid Generation
Benedikt Mauel
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Industrial Flexibility for Austrian Redispatch Provision
Sarah Fanta
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Finding a New Balance – Valid Indicators for Techno-economic Energetic Flexibilities
Martin Puster
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
Advances in CCU and/or CCS Technologies
Parallel Session #8

This session focuses on cutting-edge technologies and processes for capturing, utilising, and storing CO₂ emissions, particularly from hard-to-abate industrial sectors. Presentations in this session will explore the application of CCU/CCS technologies in industries like cement, investigate catalytic processes for CO₂ conversion, and introduce innovative methods for characterising materials used in CO₂ methanation, considering both economic and ecological impacts.

Session Chair
Markus Lehner
Chair of Process Technology and Environmental Protection, Montanuniversität Leoben
Impulse Statement: CCU Implemented in the Cement Industry: Project ZEUS
Katharina Mairhofer
Net Zero Emission Labs GmbH
CO₂ Transport via Pipelines: Design of CO₂ Networks Using an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Approach
Susanne Hochmeister
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
Investigating the Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction on Nickel- and Perovskite-based Catalysts
Marion Andritz
Chair of Process Technology and Environmental Protection, Montanuniversität Leoben
A Time-efficient Charaterisation Method for Sorbent Materials Used for Methanation
Gayaneh Issayan
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Circular Economy
Parallel Session #9

This session focuses on innovative approaches in the circular economy, showcasing research on waste heat utilisation in thermo-chemical processes, life cycle assessment for sustainable steel industry transitions, and energy, water, and carbon flow optimisation in biopharmaceutical facilities. Presentations highlight key strategies for reducing environmental impact and enhancing resource efficiency.

Session Chair
Bettina Muster
AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies
Impulse Statement: Scientific Innovations in Circular Economy
Optimised Use of Waste Heat in Thermo-chemical Processes for Processing Secondary Raw Materials
Julia Vopava-Wrienz
Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
Dynamic Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of Transition Paths for the Steel Industry
Ladislaus Lang-Quantzendorff
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Energy, Water, and Carbon Flow of a Biopharmaceutical Drug Substance Facility Including Derived Improvement Possibilities
Cornelia Haas
VTU Engineering GmbH
11.05 – 11.30
11:30 – 13:00
Parallel Sessions
NEFI Technology Talk: Decarbonisation of the Paper Industry in the Focus – Perspectives, Opportunities, and Innovative Solutions
Parallel Session #10

With over 348 808 GWh, the European paper and pulp industry has a particularly high energy demand for its production. What role do energy efficiency, renewable gases, electrification, and the circular economy play in the decarbonisation of this sector? In this Technology Talk, we will explore the challenges and solutions facing the industry. Various system levels – from the industry level to the site level and down to the process and component level – will be presented and discussed, with insights into current innovative research projects.

Welcome and Introduction
Veronika Wilk
Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Keynote 'Decarbonisation framework: A regulatory wish list of pulp and paper industries in Austria'
David Kainrath
Speaker for Energy & Climate, Austropapier
Decision Support Tool for Decarbonised Energy Supply at Paper Production Sites, Based on Mathematical Programming
Sophie Knöttner
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Decarbonisation of the Paper Industry in Practice: Norske Skog Bruck’s Waste to Energy Boiler Project
Gert Pfleger
Norske Skog, Norway
Innovative Solutions for Decarbonising Drying Processes in the Paper Industry
Sabrina Dusek
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Questions from the Audience and Discussion
CO₂-neutral Gases & Green Hydrogen: Modeling and Optimisation
Parallel Session #11
Session Chair
Gerald Steinmaurer
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Impulse Statement: Scientific Approaches to Hydrogen Application in Industry
On the Advantages of Dynamic Simulations When Modelling Multi-node Blending of Green Hydrogen
Dana Orsolits
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Green Hydrogen From Solar: Identifying Effective Dopants and Deposition Methods for Hematite Photoelectrodes
Nazir Tukur
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Optimising Large-scale PEM Electrolysis for Green Hydrogen Production: A Comprehensive Techno-economic Case Study
Natalie Frassl
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
13.00 – 14.00
Networking Lunch