July 6, 2022
Fee: Participation is free of charge
The worldwide innovation landscape offers an impeccable basis for developing novel solutions in reaching the targeted climate goals. Since numerous research projects for deploying brand new green technologies are well underway, we want to create the opportunity to aim for the next step: Within the NEFI Technology Talks national and international industrial endeavours in the context of selected decarbonisation topics will be brought together, synthesing findings and results and forming synergies to exploit and drive development further.
The focus of the NEFI Talks Energy Flexibility and Exchange on July 6th are impulse statements on energy flexibility and the possibilities of energy exchange in industry. Innovations that were developed on these topics in the NEFI projects InduGrid, CE4T, SBMInd and Industry4Redispatch will be presented and discussed.
Join us and our experts as we dive into this crucial topic!
Thomas Kienberger, Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben, AT
Gerald Steinmaurer, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Project Manager InduGrid, AT
Moderation: Christiane Egger, OÖ Energiesparverband, AT
Get your free ticket now! We look forward to meeting you!