February 15–17, 2023

IEWT 2023 – International Energy Economics Conference at the TU Vienna

  • Event
by Oxana Schmidt

February 15–17, 2023


Campus Gußhaus/ TU Wien, Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Vienna


Energy Economics Group TU Wien AAEE (Austrian Association for Energy Economics)

The 13th International Energy Conference at the TU Wien, which will take place from 15-17 February 2023 at the Campus Gußhaus, will focus on the current geopolitical upheavals.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the spring of 2022 and the resulting war not only shook Europe to its foundations and called into question its energy supply, which it thought was secure, within a very short time, but also represents the beginning of a process of new long-term geopolitical balances. This is not only about short- and medium-term alternative procurement, transport and distribution of fossil (primary) energy sources such as natural gas/LNG or oil, but in the longer term, in a "post-fossil" age, above all about access to the globally unevenly distributed critical raw materials or "hotspots" of hydrogen production and its transport routes.

Against this background, the 13th International Energy Economics Conference at the TU Wien (IEWT 2023) will focus on the recent disruptions of the European energy system, the associated market dislocations and necessary regulatory interventions, and on the current questions triggered by these disruptions as to how we can maintain the originally envisaged long-term paths of decarbonisation and transformation of the energy system.

NEFI-New Energy for Industry experts are participating actively in several sessions and presenting solutions from the NEFI projects,

Programme details will be continuously published on the conference website IEWT 2023: IEWT 2023 (