February, 1 2024

Energy Lunch #62: Climate-neutral industry

  • Event
by Oxana Schmidt

February, 1 2024


12:00 -16:00


Folklore Museum, Paulustorgasse 13a, 8010 Graz and via Livestream


The event is taking place on behalf of the state of Styria.


The participation is free of charge.

Approximately one-third of emissions in Austria are caused by the industry. The decarbonization of the industry is therefore a crucial component for the successful implementation of the energy transition. Industrial enterprises face significant challenges, including the rapid expansion of renewable energy production, a massive increase in energy efficiency, the conversion of production processes, investments in new facilities, and simultaneously maintaining and strengthening competitiveness.

Within the flagship region NEFI – New Energy for Industry and the research project FossilFree4Industry, paths to decarbonisation of the industry are outlined, and concrete demonstration projects are implemented.

Leading industrial companies such as voestalpine or MAGNA, which have already set specific decarbonization goals, aligned their transformation strategies accordingly, and actively implemented them, demonstrate how successful decarbonization can be achieved in practice.

During the event, strategies for the industry's transition away from fossil energy supply will be presented and illustrated with best-practice examples. The subsequent panel discussion will address current issues related to this topic.

Download Invitation & Program (In German).

Our NEFI experts look forward to engaging discussions and lively exchanges.



Networking buffet on site


Open News (Start of the Livestream)


Panel discussion with the speakers and DI (FH) Manfred Pachernegg, Energienetze Steiermark



  • Strategies for climate neutrality in industry in Austria
    University Professor Dr Thomas Kienberger,
    Head of NEFI_Lab and Chair of Energy Network Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben
  • Regional renewable energy as a decisive factor in decarbonisation
    Gerhard Enickl,
    voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH
  • Road to Net Zero
    Markus Binder
    Magna International
  • FossilFree4Industry - The region as the key to decarbonising industry
    Joachim Kelz
    AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien

End of the event with coffee and cake

To the Registration

Please register by 26 January 2024 under this link.
Your participation is free of charge!